Appendix 7 - The Triple Marker
Of the first billon (10^9) natural numbers, 44720 are found to be triangular. And of these, only 8 meet the specification that each be the sum of 3 consecutive triangles drawn from the general series. Here are the first three instances of the phenomenon*:
Observe that the 3rd instance delivers 1891 (61st triangular number) as the sum of 595 (the 34th), 630 (the 35th) and 666 (the 36th) - whose order numbers, incidentally, total 105 (14th triangular number). The term immediately following this trio in the infinite triangle series is 703 (the 37th) which features strongly in the Bible's first verse as the numerical reading of the two closing Hebrew words, translated "... and the earth.". And there is more to be said about each of the component triangles, 595, 630 and 666; these confirm this event to be a highly significant extrabiblical marker for the Genesis 1:1 findings, thus:
595-as-triangle is capable of uniting with an inverted copy of itself to produce the reflective hexagon/hexagram pair 397/793; again, 595 - a numerical palindrome - is the midpoint of 1189 - the number of chapters in the Bible
630 is a simple multiple of the related triangles, 105 and 210, which feature strongly in Genesis 1:1 word-value differences; further, it is precisely a half of 1260 - a significant number in the Book of Revelation
666 is, of course, another number which features prominently in the same Book; again, in common with the Bible's first verse, with the breastplate name sums, and with the Lord's Name and Title, it is a multiple of 37; further, expressed as a triangle, it is unique.
The informed will recognise that these interesting features, in total, represent a secular beacon that draws attention to significant scriptural associations. And, as if to dispel all doubt in this matter, the digits of 595, 630 and 666, written in reverse order, yields another trio of triangles, viz 595, 36 and 666 - 36 being the order number of 666. The new sum, 1297, is 6^4 + 1.
* The remainder are exceedingly large - hence, difficult to accomodate in this table.
Vernon Jenkins MSc
Acknowledgement: The author is indebted to Stephen Espenschied who brought this important matter to his attention.