The evaluation of 'e' from within John 1:1

Here is the essential calculation:

The details follow.


The Greek form of John 1:1

The first verse of the Gospel of John, as rendered in the original Greek, reads (left to right) as follows:

There are 17 words comprising a total of 52 letters. Since c600 BC each letter has also functioned as a numeral. The values so assigned are written above each letter. Each string of letters (the words, in this case) represents a number obtained by summing the letter values. These 17 results are recorded in blue beneath the translation. Their sum - the verse characteristic value - is 3627.

Before proceeding, something more needs to be said about the structure of the second word. Here, the last letter is seen to be subscripted by another, viz iota, this being the second element of a long vowel diphthong. In fact, therefore, the word has 5 letters; hence the entry "8 + 10" above the diphthong - 8 and 10 being the respective values of letters 4 and 5.


Detail of the Letter-Products

We now proceed, word by word, to determine the product of the letter values:


Detail of the Word-Products

This matter is more straightforward:


Vernon Jenkins MSc





The author is grateful to Bevan Williams who first drew attention to the phenomenon.